I am writing to share an incident that has made me think about the way
we manage organizations today. I am associated with IT Industry since early
days of my career. Being the head of the function that takes care of hiring the
talent (I prefer TALENT over RESOURCE or CANDIDATE), it was a part of my
profile to interview people and determine the fitment in the organization. I
must have interviewed hundreds on them in last few years of my career. As a
part of process, we interview, give feedback, candidate is offered for the
employment and if everything goes well the talent joins the organization. Owing
to the busy schedules, we seldom do a follow up after the talent joins the organization
as to how he/she is fairing and finding the organization (that is HR’s job,
right!). In fact, in bigger organization, that is more of an automated mechanical
But, it was a bit different for me in particular since as per my work profile
I was supposed to hire as well as keep track of a talent till he/she is in the organization.
Assigning projects to them, seeking feedback from the project managers about
their performance, manage their aspirations etc. were a part of my function. In
the same process, management of BENCH (The
bench refers to people who currently do not have any projects on hand –
more relevant to IT industry) was completely my responsibility.
The story goes as below:
It is about this one particular talent, let’s call him John. John had
been in IT industry for past year and a half (1 yr 5 months) and had changed 2
jobs before applying for my organization. Third job in 2 years!! Didn’t impress
me at all as an interviewer! I had (kind of) made my mind already that this
person would be no good, though it was against the principles of effective
interviewing (I know!). Anyhow, as we got into discussion and the interview progressed,
I realized that he had great passion for technology and wanted to make big on
technical front in next 5-7 years.
I liked his enthusiasm and decided to give
him an opportunity. Anyhow, we do not expect a 2 year (professional age) old
kid to build a rocket for us – do we? So I decided to go ahead and hire him.
While I was giving my positive feedback (more of a final decision
since I was the one to take the final call) I had this thought in my mind that
John has never worked on a live project in both of his last jobs. He was put on
BENCH in both of his earlier jobs! However, I overruled my apprehensions solely
for the reason that his last 2 organizations were real big BRANDS.
Anyway, John was hired and he joined us after a month. He was very
happy to join a growing organization since he could see huge potential for
growth and learning for himself. More than that, he was happy to be working on a
live project for the first time.
Like other organizations, we too have people on BENCH for some time
before they are allocated live projects and John was informed about the same at
the time of selection process. He had accepted that and was ready to wait for
some time before he gets a project as per our instructions.
But I guess John’s destiny had other plans! The very next day of John’s
joining; we received a project requirement which was matching John’s profile. I
asked my colleague to call up John and give him the news of his allocation
plan. John was happy, we were happy, everyone was happy!! Indeed it was a happy
moment. Someone getting a project in a day’s time is wonderful. Finally, John
was allotted the project and the meeting with the manager was fixed. He started
working on the project with all the good feelings and dedication, clueless of
the fact what time had in its store for him.
After just about a week, I got a call from John’s manager. He had
called to express his dissatisfaction with John’s performance since as per him
John didn’t have the required experience to work on a live project. He cited
reasons like lack of exposure, lack of
confidence and more lead time to gear up for the poor performance of John.
Although John was working as the most junior member in the project; still it
was not possible to continue with him as it was affecting the profitability of the project. Looking at
the business criticality, we had to
remove John from the project.
All hell broke loose on John! He was shattered, disturbed and
disheartened. He was on the BENCH again. The fascination that he had felt
around him in life vanished in a moment! Whole world came to a halt for him.
But then, he was a strong guy! He gathered his thoughts and prepared himself to
fight. To fight along with other 110 people on bench; waiting to be allotted a
live project.
Days became weeks, but things didn’t change for John. We were not
getting rightly matched project requirements for John. The world was moving
ahead swiftly and John was feeling as if he was being left far behind in the
race of success. But still he held his nerves. He kept calling, writing and
probing frequently about any movement on his allocation.
One bright morning, I again got an opportunity where I could put John
on a live project. I got a mail with a requirement from one of the projects,
suiting John’s profile. John was informed, meeting was fixed and everyone was
waiting for the results of the meeting eagerly. John looked very calm this
time. He did not show any strong signs of joy or delight. I guess time had made
him strong enough to take things as they come in life J.
Anyway, the meeting got over but the manager left us wandering for the
result. He wanted some time to decide.
“Fair enough” we all
thought! “Let’s give him some time.”
Next day, I got a call from the same manager early in the morning
(10AM is the early morning as per office hours). He had called to inform that he
cannot add John in his project team quoting a reason that he does not have
valid experience. I immediately recalled what John had told me last evening
about the meeting that there was no discussion on project experience as such in
the meeting.
My inquisitive part promptly asked the question – “But how do you know that he does not have relevant experience?”
“I spoke to his last manager
whom he worked with for a week!” he responded immediately.
He shared that the last manager had given the feedback about John
after which it was decided that he could not be included in the team. I was surprised
and equally annoyed too. How can one take a call based on someone else’s
feedback, that too when the other person didn’t work with the guy long enough
to comment? But, duty calls! Amid all these thoughts I called John to share the
news with him. He calmly heard everything, thanked me for the information in
the end and hung up the phone.
Process was completed! Another opportunity was closed for John.
Days passed by and I got busy with other things at work. John never
called back or wrote for a new project. He used to come to office every day,
spend the 8 hours of his quota doing things and go back. I could see him going out
with friends for tea, chatting over lunch and I looked like he was having a good
time. One day, suddenly I got a mail from John asking for a meeting to discuss
something. Since he was writing to me after many days, I promptly accepted the
request and fixed up a time to meet him. We met in a meeting room. He greeted
me and pulled a chair but this time he looked very uneasy. Red eyes, fumbling
hands and shaking voice! He sat on the chair out in front of me, quiet,
sobbing. I was surprised to see a grown up guy crying in front of me and that too
at the workplace. It was a strange sight! I softly asked him as to what was
wrong. He would not answer initially but then he looked at me and plainly asked
me a question, hitting the nail on the head: “How will I gain experience if I
am not given a live project?”
John had stimulated a never ending debate going on since ever in the corporate
world – How would you get experience unless
you are put on actual work? Sounds
similar to the Chicken-or-the-egg dilemma!
Somehow, this problem has become an inseparable part of our industry
these days. John was the victim of the same mindset. We, as an industry could
not nurture him in the early days of his career (made him sit on BENCH) and
when he got old enough sitting there, we declared him unfit to be a part of the
team! We are tagging talent based on their age in the industry without giving
any heed to the passion for the work. We talk a lot about Training & Development, Mentoring, Coaching, Career Path, and
Competency Development – but when it comes applying these basic practices
like grooming talent things like Margins,
Profits, Productivity come in the way.
We do not want to make conscious efforts to groom passionate young people who can make big in the field claiming that this will incur COST as well as TIME – both being very critical for organizations these days. No project manager wants a slow runner in his team since it would make his project suffer. He will have to put efforts in grooming the person and he finds it as an overhead. He wants all STARS in our team, but he does not want to groom any STAR. Are we doing justice to the young people who enter the industry with high hopes and almost no understanding of its functioning?
We do not want to make conscious efforts to groom passionate young people who can make big in the field claiming that this will incur COST as well as TIME – both being very critical for organizations these days. No project manager wants a slow runner in his team since it would make his project suffer. He will have to put efforts in grooming the person and he finds it as an overhead. He wants all STARS in our team, but he does not want to groom any STAR. Are we doing justice to the young people who enter the industry with high hopes and almost no understanding of its functioning?
People grow not by their passion and talent but just by being in the
industry. In the rat-race of making more money by doing more projects delivered
in time, organizations have naively given an upper seat to SKILL as compared to
PASSION & TALENT. As organization, we preferred SKILLED people over TALENTED
ones who might be really passionate about the work. This mindset has developed
deep roots in operative of most of the corporate functions. A programmer will routinely
become a project Manager after he has spent 10 years in the job; least that he
has to do is KEEP WORKING!
There is no harm in this concept of career development but is this the only way of doing things?
I leave it for you to decide and if you get some answers, please share
with me as well.
I believe it is the responsibility of both PM and the resource manager to come up with an alternative which will not only benefit John but also help him to prosper his career. As I understand in his earlier companies he was on bench but in his current organisation he was clearly selected on merit and talent. Hence it proves that he has something in him. He was selected on the basis of sheer talent he has. So it becomes the responsibility of the organisation to not only groom him but make him gain some experience. Nobody is perfect in this world. Some try to be perfect with hard work. Similarly why not give opportunities to individuals who can deliver their best. John is like thousands of other individuals who are on bench and are not getting the opportunity to explore themselves. I do believe such situations should be assessed by the organisation. And I also do feel that PM should not trust on word of mouth. Every individual has their own perspective. If the resource is matching their requirement, he should pick him rather than listening what others say. And also proper expectation should be set from the resource.
ReplyDeletePeople on bench are part of the organisation and due to non availability of projects doesn't mean that they are aliens.Proper utilisation of resources play a vital role in every organization.
@ Anonymous: that;s very well said. I feel that today's managers are not equipped to lead and mentor the team members but they are only focused on making profits. This would lead to a situation very soon when we would have people skilled enough to do things but we might not have people to actually visualize as to what is to be done!! That's too ironic!!