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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Jumping Jobs??

You're tired all the time; you don't want to get out of bed in the morning; you can't concentrate at work anymore. Guess what, you could be one of millions of people that need to consider a job or career change.
If you even think you are starting to feel 'burned out' or uninterested in what you are doing make some time for a real conversation with yourself - starting with the question. 

"What do I really want to do with the rest of my life?" 

Most people consider themselves lucky to have a job. But it may be time to start asking just how happy you are with it. Gone are the days when you could expect to work for the same company all your life and then receive a pension that paid income for life. 
As against older people who are at the end of their careers and are comfortable in their existing set-up, younger people get most frustrated in the same organisation after a couple of years. 
Also the same comfort level can be termed stagnation. Hence they are even ready to take risks and move to a different industry. So if you are ready for the switch, first do intense personal assessment and consider the following tips: 

Find reasons
You need to pinpoint why you are looking for a change and whether you have the right reasons. It is better compensation or benefits or is it dissatisfaction with career potential? 
If you are ambivalent about leaving, career consultants say there are a number of red flags that signal unhappiness at work. 
The root of your discontent could be linked to anything from dysfunctional relationships at work to a personal clash with the organisation's values. It could be lack of close relationships, either with colleagues or your boss that could be disheartening. 
A simple change can often be the remedy to your workplace woes. When contemplating a change, think about classes you took in college and even high school that appealed to you and left you inspired.

What's the way you like it? 
You needn't change the organization. Maybe what you do is not what you like. The solution could be as simple as moving to a different department. Voice your commitment to the organisation and express how much you'd like to stay.
Then ask about other positions that might suit you better. When considering a professional makeover, don't think in terms of job titles. 
Those can be limiting and can feed people's fears that they're pigeonholing themselves into doing one thing for the rest of their lives. Don't feel pressured to stick to one job. There are options beyond those that we can visualise. We just need to seek them out.

How does the industry look at you?
There is no rule as such, but put yourself in the position of a potential interviewer and think how you would react to your own CV. 
While your current job may not be right for you in the long term, it is in your own interest to develop your role and responsibility as much as you can before you move on. Interviewers will naturally want to know what you have achieved and what has made you decide to change jobs. 
Your application will be much more attractive if you can show evidence of your ability to manage your own personal and career development. Most important of all, you can use this experience to ensure that your second job is a better fit. You should be much clearer on what is important to you and what you have got to offer. 

Consider your finances
If you're unemployed and bills are stacking up, you might take the first offer that comes along, even if it isn't perfect. But if you are considering a job change, make sure you aren't loading yourself up with debt. 
Too much debt causes you to be more vulnerable during a job transition. Therefore, get your financial picture in order and give yourself a cushion of about six months. But you should know what you are worth on the open market. 

Get connected 
Stay up-to-date on technology, industry trends, customer needs and any other factors that are important to your personal and professional self-development. Upgrade your knowledge and skills in ways that are consistent with your own future interests and career development. 
Find out what's happening within your industry. Those who struggle the most are just in tune with their own little circle. You may also consider contacting a head hunter, and make sure the headhunter is working in your best interest.

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