Have we lost the true sense of being a nation with the greatest history of HEROISM in the god damn world?? Or should we start to believe that all those HEROES we always have known and believed to exist at some point in past are all stories, penned in books???
NO..., at least I am not ready to accept that!!!!
We have sacrificed a lot, have tolerated a lot,,, but this time, its not just about that.. These handful of scoundrels shall not be allowed anything on this holy earth to take charge of our lives.. They cannot be let loose to move freely amongst our people and kill anyone, anywhere, any time!!!
The seekers of POWER, sitting up somewhere in the sound proof cells of theirs' should think beyond their selfish chase for money and power and come out in open against such barbaric acts on mankind; precisely on INDIANS...
Its time now that we work towards putting an end to this ever existent tale of terror, which is striking us unnoticed anytime of our lives.. and it doesn't cost these evil sons anything, but yes, if it costs something, it is to us and its our peace, our serenity, our culture, our growth, our future... Are we ready to accept such a bargain??? I say NO.. and its not just my voice but am sure I am sounding the entire nation here.. the entire INDIAN community, which wants to stand up against this engulfing face of terror and wants to get rid of this...
We want our peace and freedom back... It was the martyrs of the freedom fight, who gave their lives to make us breathe in a free INDIA.. then how can we be so coward to give away that freedom in hands of a few Animals????...
All I solicit now, at this point is an open retaliation, let it be an open attack, a WAR against the guardians of these evil forces. The people who are sabotaging us every time we lend a hand to settle things should be brought down on their knees and should be destroyed to their core...
Lets not forget, if America & England can retaliate so strongly to just one attack on their land and people and de-root the very cause of the terror; we INDIANS have seen a lot already and so our response should be much stronger and gritty...
Its time that we rise against this face of terror and let the generations to come open their eyes in a secure, safe and prosperous INDIA...
And I personally believe, without an ounce of doubt that we can... "YES, WE CAN"
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