But the question which is continuously nipping me is that how intelligent our INTELLIGENCE Forces are??? In the post operation analysis, the revelations are shocking and unbelievable!!!!
Terrorists staying in hotel rooms, working in Taj in the crew, setting up of a control room inside the hotel, Marine wing of LeT training them, carrying heavy ammunition inside the hotel.. all these things do not look realistic if we trust our INTELLIGENCE services... But the sad part of the story is.. IT'S ALL TRUE!!!!!!
Does that mean that the people who are responsible to take care of the citizens of this nation are not very serious about this?? Is it that they do not value the lives of the innocent people of the country who are paying heavy cost for the failure of our bureaucratic system???
I believe that our system has always been asking for a wake up call... but why do 183 people had to loose their lives to make these irresponsible people to wake up???? And I am not at all sure that they actually are awake even after all this!!!
India is in such a sorry state today that we are not feeling safe in our houses.. we do not know what is going to happen tomorrow.. where is the next bomb going to explode... where is the next shootout going to happen... and all this is with due thanks to our incompetent Intelligence Services.
These INTELLIGENCE SERVICES have FAILED to perform their duties and common man is paying the cost for that.. sadly, with his life....
Now, common Indian have to come forward.. take charge of his own life and give it back hard to the face of terror.... We cannot just let ANYONE decide our fate...
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